HistoryKeep works with individuals, families, and small groups to record and commemorate personal and family histories. We conduct live audio interviews (conversational in tone) after some preliminary preparation designed to elicit personal memories, lessons learned, family stories, celebrations of life-changing events (a birth, a marriage, a death), statements meant to heal and mend, expressions of intention, and philosophies that are intended for loved ones.
The personal interview is an opportunity to take stock of one’s life, express hopes and fears, record memorable stories and events, or convey love and concern. It becomes the core of a personal legacy. It does not result in a biography or memoir in the traditional sense, because what emerges is often a series of treasured remembrances, rather than a step-by-step chronology.
Original writing: We work with individuals and families to record and commemorate personal and family histories. We do this by first conducting live audio interviews (conversational in tone) after preliminary preparation, designed to elicit personal memories, lessons learned, family stories, celebrations of life-changing events (a birth, a marriage, a death), statements meant to heal and mend, expressions of intention, and philosophies that are intended for loved ones. These interviews are transcribed into text that forms the core of each book.
The personal interview is an opportunity to take stock of a life, express hopes and fears, record memorable stories and events, or convey love and concern. It becomes the core of a personal legacy. It does not result in a biography or memoir in the traditional sense, because what emerges is often a series of treasured remembrances, rather than a step-by-step chronology.
Editing: We have considerable experience in editing for other professionals engaged in personal biography. Editing services range from developmental editing and rewriting, through copy and line editing, to proofreading. We also offer manuscript evaluation.

Our keepsake products are meant to be vessels that contain the essence of our clients’ lives. These can range from very simple (a small, softbound book filled with photos and anecdotes) to more substantial (a larger hardbound volume of stories told chapter by chapter), devoted to the full record of a life, illustrated by photographs, mementoes, testimonials, honors, and other evidence of accomplishment. A client may also choose a simple letter of wishes that can be shared with family or appended to a will—a letter that expresses hopes and dreams for future generations.
Decisions about form, length, and breadth are ultimately made by the client, but always in consultation with HistoryKeep. In creating your keepsake, we work with other professionals: graphic designers, editors, proofreaders, and printers whose expertise is matched to the needs of the project.

A hard- or soft-cover book
Produced from interview transcripts, organized in consultation with the client/interviewee, with decisions made about length, breadth, photographic content, and number of copies.

A DVD (from videotape)
An edited collage of filmed interactions between interviewer and interviewee(s), or a series of statements featuring the interviewee alone. It can also be the record of a family gathering, a reading, a set of stories and memories, or other meaningful activities captured for posterity.

A letter of wishes
Similar to an ethical will, but intended especially for trustees to help guide estate management. While not binding, it is meant to impart to trustees the values, vision, and hopes a benefactor may have for the use of his or her estate.